What the heck is Relationship Anarchy?
Find out everything you need to know.
What is Relationship Anarchy?
Relationship Anarchy (RA) is a political and philosophical lens through which to view interpersonal relationships. It rejects normative views of Monogamism, coupledom, and other rule-based forms of relating.
Instead, RA offers alternatives that emphasize the importance of communal support and care, rather than the codependent perspectives that are frequently encouraged in rule-based relationships - monogamous and polyamorous, alike.
Where did Relationship Anarchy originate?
While many of the principles of relationship anarchy have existed for centuries, the term “relationship anarchy” wasn’t popularized until 2012.
Read Andie Nordgren’s original “manifesto” for being a relationship anarchist.
How do I become a Relationship Anarchist?
Getting started is easy, but applying the values of relationship anarchy can take work. Learn more about how you can apply the principles of anarchism to your life and relationships.